By the fifth grade I read Michener (Hawaii...and really I only recall the the part about the creation of the islands...it is entirely possible I never finished it!). And a good bit of Shakespeare... And so it may surprise my family and friends to know that there are several classic novels that I never bothered to pick up.

Though it is entirely possible that I wrote a book report on several of them (and gotten As). (I know that "As" is the plural of one A. But it looks better as "A's". However, I know that is wrong and to honor my apostrophe watching friend Michelle - I shall leave it as it is.)
That rabbit trail almost derailed my confession.
I'm currently finishing "The Help" - a character in it reads "To Kill a Mockingbird" (has to get it brought to her from the white library). And I was struck (again...) with the fact that I've never read it. So, I'm taking a copy to the beach and reading it.

And - knowing that I can polish off a book at the beach in about a day - I am trying to decide what other classic literature I skipped (or forgot) that I would like to take along. I understand that there is a building in town with books...and they just loan them out! Remarkable.
So - here is a list of books that I don't remember reading...that people seem to think are pretty good: Gone with the Wind (yeah...Karen...breathe...I never saw the movie either. And frankly my dear, didn't give a damn. But maybe I should!); Catcher in the Rye (I understand it is not about baseball or bakeries...); Pride and Prejudice (scrolling through her works on Amazon...don't think I ever gave old Jane Austen a shot.)
Wow...pulled up a couple of lists of "the top books everyone should read" (oh Mighty Google...)...I didn't read a LOT of them...what the heck?

I DO remember the book "51 Sycamore Lane". It was about a kid who thought a lady in his neighborhood was a spy. And she had a chicken. And I remember a book about a house that was secretly heated by a volcano in the basement...(and found it by deep and time consuming research! The Finches' Fabulous Furnace!! {which - Michelle will be pleased to see - uses both the correct pluralization AND possession of the Finch family!!})

Okay - so, now that secret is out. What is the ONE book that you think I should not miss? Maybe I've read it...looks like chances are likely - I have not. (oh...but I have read the Bible...so think of something else.)
Meanwhile...I have a new Archie comic. Catch you later.