I did make the choice to get out of my car, walk into the theatre and audition. So that, in itself, is an accomplishment. Even during the drive to Bedford there was the temptation to just go hang out at the bar at Ruby Tuesdays and not put myself "out there". But since I said I was going to try to do something that scares me every day (or at least several days a week) - I sucked it up and went for it.

I'm certain that I was completely terrified. And no, I wasn't cast. But I chose to work tech on the show and got to meet and work with some incredible people. Had my very first show romance. David Dixon. He was dreamy. And met my long-time best friend Meredith...who was much more talented than I was...but who encouraged me anyway. And that was it...I was bit.
I've been away from it for too long. I had forgotten the fun of people involved. Even in the nervous state of auditions - when you feel like you're hoping not to get picked last for the baseball team - there is a sense of camaraderie. And there was a great group of folks there tonight for auditions - applauding for each other at the end of scenes. It was a great feeling.

But the real challenge was met...I made the effort. And I had a good time.
Good luck Karen! You're a brave woman!
Hmmm....directing scares me...maybe I'll try THAT sometime :)
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