
Got it!
It always startles the cat when I get a Eureka moment!

My generation has often heard "It Takes a Village" because of the book by the same name published in 1996 by then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. (are you forever a First Lady even after your husband's term ends? And will the first woman president have a First Man?). And even though I do not have any children to invite a village to raise...I do agree with the premise of the statement. And I believe that I am part of the village that is raising my niece and nephews...and maybe a few
JIFF kids.
A different aspect of "it takes a village" came to light tonight in the church council meeting. Our property committee chair was discussing a new idea for helping care for our church grounds. Centenary United Methodist was built in the 1920s and has some beautiful and mature gardens. And they have largely been thanks to the hard work of one man - Mr. Tommy Wooldridge. Rarely a day went by that Mr. Tommy didn't at least stop by the church to weed a little here, trim a bit of shrubbery there...maybe plant a few pansies. He did a wonderful job.

We lost Mr. Tommy this past February. And in addition to the loss of his smile, quick wit and warm heart - you could say that even the building misses him. In spite of the efforts of few special CUMC members - the gardens are running wild. So the property committee is planning to start an Adopt a Garden program to continue the work of Mr. Tommy Wooldridge. Because it really is going to take an entire village to replace this very special man.
I'm starting to study my
Weed Identification Guide so I can take on a small garden myself...and I don't want to pull the flowers and leave the weeds behind! Maybe Tommy can reach down from heaven and guide my hands and my pruning shears... I bet the Pearly Gates have some pansies and mums planted around them now!!
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