Then I decided to start playing with my phone. I was looking to see if the pics in my phone had transferred over and I found this folder with several hundred pictures in it...not from my phone (which only held about 25 because I never have put any extra memory in it). After I deleted a few dozen I realized why they looked so familiar. They are from my blog's photo gallery. ummm....oops. So, if you decide to start reading backward through blog posts you'll eventually get to about a dozen posts that have broken link pictures. Those would be the pictures I deleted from my gallery. Not my from my phone....from my web gallery.

I'm a dingbat.
I'll get the hang of this sooner or later!
At least when my Mom reads this she'll know that everyone makes mistakes - even her genius daughter.
HAHA, good ol' Google (Blogger, Gmail, etc.) and their "sync" features !! I'm glad you figured it out..a lotta' folks don't !! lol