I try to be good and go to bed early the night before the Spring Forward. Last night - I didn't do so good. And so this morning I snoozed my alarm right up to 5 minutes till time to leave the house for church. Thank goodness I'm not one who has to spend a lot of time getting ready!
One of my secret joys in life (well...guess it isn't a secret any longer) is watching for the Unsprung Heroes arriving for church. I'm in the choir, so we have a great view of the congregation. You can't get into the sanctuary without being in my viewscape. Usually you get at least one person arriving near the end of the service - they have forgotten to spring ahead. Sometimes I see them arrive in the narthex (the entrance area in the back of the church) through the glass doors - and often they look at their watches and then slink back out the side doors.

One year there was an entire family of four who arrived
during the final hymn and thinking that it was the first hymn they proudly walked all the way up to their usual pew...quite near the front of the church. They listened to the final verse and were surprised to hear the pastor proclaim the benediction.
After these chuckles through the years...I was disappointed to see that nobody came in late this morning. Does that make me a bad person?
Hamster is a bit beat - never did get that nap in today!!
I was one of those late arrivals once,Back when the service started at 10:45. I was single and had gotten pretty slack about attending church services. I awoke one morning and decided that I was going to make my Mom proud and go to church. I got there and walked in and sat with Mom,Dad, aunt Carol and Uncle Mickey. The time you ask, it was 11:45. It wasn't even daylight savings time that threw me off, it was the quarter til thing. She was still glad that I had made the effort.