On Saturday there will be the great Handbell Extravaganza at Heritage United Methodist Church. Our ragtag bunch will be a part of about 150 ringers! Hopefully the large numbers will cover up any errors. I, as you know, do not really read music. And I have very little skill in counting...so this level 3 handbell piece is about to kill the few brain cells I have left.

I had a nightmare last night about it. The head of the extravaganza is the director of the Bells of the Blue Ridge, Janet Hawkins. She is a perfectly lovely woman who I have met on several occasions. However, in my dream she was quite the barracuda. During the rehearsal she came over to my station, took the F sharp bell out of my hand and struck me on the head with it. Then she walked over to our director, Mari Smallshaw, and told her she had never heard such before in her life. Then she stripped Mari of her rank in the Bells of the Blue Ridge (in the dream there was a uniform with patches and everything) and Mari then came over to me weeping. "How could you do this to me?" Then I woke up.
Now I know that nothing of the sort is going to happen. And if I am struck in the head with a hand bell it is likely to have been by my own hand. It is going to be a wonderful time. I am looking forward to hearing 150 ringers.
In addition to the 2 pieces that the whole gaggle of us will play, each of the choirs will have a solo. Our choir will perform the lovely arrangement of Amazing Grace that I wrote about before. http://thebeatenhamster.blogspot.com/2011/02/handbells-and-hamsters.html Ah, level 1...I'm so excited!!
Come on out and watch me count!! 4pm at Heritage United Methodist Church. It will be extraordinary.
Then on Sunday I get to sing a duet on Ave Verum Corpus. Sunday afternoon I plan to nap on the dock at the river.
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