It isn't that I don't have anything on my mind. I really really do. I can think of a dozen different things on my mind: truck in wreck yesterday; subtopics of odd mechanics, driver sketch of accident scene (complete with dialog bubbles) and a society without credit cards (?seriously?); one more subtopic - why I sometimes feel that I must correct someone who has called me sir on the phone one too many times.
Yeah...mind spinning...
Briefly it lands on upcoming solo in church: Ave Verum Corpus. The first passage of it anyway. Which reminds me of the first person I heard sing it. Which reminds me how glad I am that my fellow "diva" (Karen Bell...I love her...) and I don't take our "diva" roles seriously. Because when somebody really IS acting like a diva...that's not pretty. And some pretty un-Christian things can happen around that.
Rabbit trail...

Maybe that is my topic: how easy it is to get me to go wandering off the beaten path of my thought...
Well...topic found.
Hamster beaten.
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